Hours Target - Dubuque, IA
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Target is ideally found at 3500 Dodge Street, in the west region of Dubuque (nearby Kennedy Mall). The store is glad to serve patrons within the districts of Kieler, Sinsinawa, East Dubuque, Sherrill, Epworth, Durango and Peosta. Business hours are from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm today (Tuesday). This page includes information on Target Dubuque, IA, including the operating times, local route or email contact.
Visit your local Target branch in the vicinity of the intersection of Century Drive and Dodge Street, in Dubuque, Iowa.
Simply a 1 minute drive from Starlite Drive, Wacker Drive, Eclipse Circle and Crescent Ridge; a 5 minute drive from University Avenue, John F Kennedy Road and Cedar Cross Road; and a 10 minute trip from US-20 and Northwest Arterial.
Please enter the following address when using GPS devices to find this location: 3500 Dodge Street, Dubuque, IA 52003.
By foot you will come across Riley Park, Center Grove Cemetery, Welu Park and Falk Park.
At the present, Target owns 1 location in Dubuque, Iowa.
Click here for a complete listing of Target stores near Dubuque.
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