Hours Menards - Mt Prospect, IL
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You'll find Menards conveniently located at 740 East Rand Road, within the north-east area of Mt Prospect (by Business Center & Feehanville). The store is properly located for customers from Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, Rolling Meadows, Prospect Heights, Wheeling, Palatine, Des Plaines and Elk Grove Village. If you'd like to swing by today (Wednesday), its hours of business are from 6:00 am until 10:00 pm. This page will provide you with all the information you need on Menards Mt Prospect, IL, including the hours of business, store location, phone number and more beneficial info.
You'll find Menards ideally located close to the intersection of East Rand Road and North Louis Street, in Mt Prospect, Illinois.
Simply a 1 minute drive time from Harvest Lane, North William Street, East Thayer Street or Autumn Lane; a 4 minute drive from East Central Road, South Mount Prospect Road or North Main Street (Il-83); and a 10 minute trip from West Rand Road (US-12) and East Northwest Highway (US-14).
For GPS units the address is 740 East Rand Road, Mt Prospect, IL 60056.
Frequent bus services run to and from Business Center & Feehanville. The most convenient way to get here is by service 221.
The closest train stops are Mount Prospect Station (4910 ft), Cumberland Station (1.60 mi) and Prospect Heights Station (1.89 mi away). Regular service includes the North Central Service and Union Pacific Northwest lines.
Within a couple miles you may discover Busse Park, Hill Street Nature Center, Maple Trails Park, Mount Prospect Plaza, Emerson Park and Gregory Park.
Menards has 1 open location in Mt Prospect, Illinois.
For an entire directory of Menards branches near Mt Prospect, go to the following link.
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