Hours Menards - Melrose Park, IL
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Menards is found in an ideal place at 3215 West North Avenue, within the north-west area of Melrose Park (near North Avenue & Hawthorne). The store is a convenient addition to the locales of Stone Park, Franklin Park, Maywood, Berkeley, Hillside, River Grove and Bellwood. Today (Thursday), its hours of business are from 6:00 am - 10:00 pm. Please see this page for other information regarding Menards Melrose Park, IL, including the working hours, address or direct phone.
Visit your local Menards branch near the intersection of North Avenue and North 32nd Avenue, in Melrose Park, Illinois.
Only a 1 minute drive from Cornell Avenue, Hawthorne Avenue, 35th Avenue and 34th Avenue; a 4 minute drive from US-20, North Mannheim Road (US-45) and North Avenue (Il-64); or a 9 minute drive time from East Lake Street and Des Plaines River Road.
Use 3215 West North Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 for GPS units.
Reach the store by taking the bus to North Avenue & Hawthorne. Conveniently accessible along the route: 318.
The train is easily accessible from Bellwood Station (1.47 mi), Melrose Park Station (1.72 mi) and Franklin Park Station (2.08 mi away). The easiest way to travel here is along the Milwaukee District West and Union Pacific West lines.
Within a couple miles you may discover Memorial Park District, Melrose Park Center, Saint Charles Borromeo Church, Melrose Crossing and Sacred Heart Seminary.
At this moment, Menards owns 1 store in Melrose Park, Illinois.
For more Menards click on this link with a complete listing of all locations near Melrose Park.
Related searches: Menards 35th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL; Menards Melrose Park