Hours Menards - Clio, MI
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Menards can be found at 11357 North Linden Road, within the west part of Clio (not far from Edgerton Elementary School). The store is glad to serve customers within the areas of Genesee, Burt, Mount Morris, Montrose, Flushing, Flint and Birch Run. If you'd like to visit today (Wednesday), its business hours are from 6:00 am until 9:00 pm. Here you may find the business hours, street address or contact number for Menards Clio, MI.
Menards occupies a prominent position near the intersection of West Vienna Road and North Linden Road, in Clio, Michigan.
Ideally situated a 1 minute drive from Exit 131 of US-23; a 3 minute drive from Old Vienna Road, West Wilson Road and Gregory Court; or a 12 minute trip from Sequoia Drive or Heather Wood Place.
The address to use on your GPS devices to get find the location is 11357 North Linden Road, Clio, MI 48420.
Just a short walk away you will come across Edgerton Elementary School, Bridge Park and Clio Country Club.
There is presently 1 Menards location operating in Clio, Michigan.
The full directory of Menards branches near Clio can be looked over here.
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