Hours Menards - Ballwin, MO
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Menards can be found in a convenient position at 14161 Manchester Road, in the east section of Ballwin (close to Manchester @ Braeshire Wb). This store is properly situated to serve customers from the areas of Chesterfield, Grover, High Ridge, Saint Louis, Fenton, Valley Park and Florissant. Today (Tuesday), working times start at 6:00 am and end at 9:00 pm. Refer to this page for the specifics on Menards Ballwin, MO, including the hours, store address info, direct phone and further pertinent information.
Menards is conveniently found not far from the intersection of Braeshire Drive and Manchester Road, in Ballwin, Missouri.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Auber Drive, Wissmann Drive, Iron Warrior Lane or Crestbury Drive; a 3 minute drive from Barrett Station Road, Mo-141 or Baxter Road; and a 8 minute drive from Dougherty Ferry Road and Sulphur Spring Road.
Enter the address 14161 Manchester Road, Ballwin, MO 63011 when using route planners to get to this location.
Near to the bus stop at Manchester @ Braeshire Wb.
Nearby you might find Old Orchard Center, Manchester United Methodist Cemetery, Queeny Park, Manchester United Methodist Church and A Storage Inn - Ballwin.
Presently, Menards runs 1 location in Ballwin, Missouri.
Navigate to this page for the entire index of all Menards stores near Ballwin.
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