Hours Walmart - Azle, TX
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Walmart Supercenter is located at 721 Boyd Road, in the north area of Azle (near to Central Park). The store is situated in a convenient location to serve the customers of Boyd, Rhome, Fort Worth, Newark and Springtown. Today (on Tuesday) it's open from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm. On this page you may find all the up-to-date information about Walmart Azle, TX, including the operating hours, location info, email contact, and more info.
Walmart Supercenter occupies a spot close to the intersection of Commerce Street and Boyd Road, in Azle, Texas.
Only a 1 minute drive time from Fm 730, High Crest Drive, Timberoaks Drive or Northwest Parkway; a 4 minute drive from Main Street, Azle Highway and Jacksboro Highway (Tx-199); or a 9 minute drive from Tx 199 / State Highway 199/northwest Parkway or Silver Creek Azle Road.
For customers planning on using navigation systems to get here use the following address: 721 Boyd Road, Azle, TX 76020.
In the neighbourhood there is Melanie Park, Football Field, Ash Creek Cemetery, Central Park ~ Azle, Baseball Field, shuffleboard pitch, Central Park, Shady Grove Park and Ash Creek Park.
Including this store, Walmart now operates 1 branch in Azle, Texas.
For all Walmart discount stores near Azle, click on the following link.