Hours Rite Aid - Leroy, NY
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Rite Aid is currently located at 151 West Main Street, within the west region of Leroy. The store is a significant addition to the areas of Le Roy, Byron, South Byron, Linwood, Pavilion and Stafford. If you'd like to drop in today (Wednesday), its hours are from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm. Store hours, location info or phone info for Rite Aid Leroy, NY can be found here.
Rite Aid is located at the closest intersection of West Main Street and East Main Street Road, in Leroy, New York.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Munson Street, Profac Park, East Bethany Leroy Road and West Main Road; a 5 minute drive from Lake Street, East Main Street Road (Ny-5) and Warsaw Road; or a 12 minute drive from Wolcott Street and Clay Street (Ny-19).
When using navigation systems to get to this location enter 151 West Main Street, Leroy, NY 14482.
Nearby you'll come across Mill Street Park and LeRoy Country Club.
At the time, Rite Aid operates 1 location in Leroy, New York.
For a complete directory of Rite Aid stores near Leroy, go to the link provided.