Hours Dollar General - Union, WV
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Dollar General occupies a prominent position at 184 Route 3 East, in the east area of Union (by Green Hill Cemetery). The store mainly serves the customers in the areas of Sinks Grove, Greenville, Secondcreek, Gap Mills, Waiteville, Lindside and Wolfcreek. Today (Tuesday), hours of business start at 8:00 am and continue until 9:00 pm. This page will give you all the information you need on Dollar General Union, WV, including the business hours, store location, phone number and more beneficial info.
Dollar General is located close to the intersection of Cades Field Road and Sweet & Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike, in Union, West Virginia.
Simply a 1 minute trip from Sweet Springs Valley Road, Willow Lane, Walnut Lane or Maple Street; a 5 minute drive from Sweet & Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike (Wv-3), South Street or North Street (Wv-3); and a 12 minute drive time from Main Street (US-219) and Seneca Trail North (Wv-3).
The address for your GPS units is: 184 Route 3 East, Union, WV 24983.
By foot there is Union Historic District, Union Church of God, Union Presbyterian Church and Green Hill Cemetery.
There is presently 1 Dollar General variety store operating in Union, West Virginia.
For more Dollar General go to the following link for an entire directory of variety stores near Union.