Hours ALDI - St Andrews & Bush, Columbia, SC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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ALDI is easy to get to at 6075 St Andrews Road South, within the north-west part of Columbia (near to Seven Oaks Shopping Center). This store looks forward to serving the customers of White Rock, Chapin, Cayce, Ballentine, West Columbia, Lexington and Irmo. Working times today (Monday) are 9:00 am until 8:00 pm. On this page you will find all the information about ALDI St Andrews & Bush, Columbia, SC, including the operating times, address details and phone details.
ALDI is prominently positioned not far from the intersection of Saint Andrews Road and Bush River Road, in Columbia, South Carolina.
Found within a 1 minute drive from Piney Grove Road, Garmony Road, Biscayne Road or Lockner Road; a 5 minute drive from Barmount Drive, Exit 104 of US-76 and Harbison Boulevard; and a 9 minute drive from Corley Mill Road and Woodcross Drive.
Users of route planners should enter the following address when traveling to this location: 6075 St Andrews Road South, Columbia, SC 29212.
Nearby you might come across Leaphart Elementary School, Saluda Shoals Soccer Park, Saluda Shoals Park, Seven Oaks Park and Shaw Industries.
With this store, ALDI has 3 different branches in Columbia, South Carolina.
Visit this page for the entire list of all ALDI locations near Columbia.