Hours ALDI - S Raeford Rd,Fayetteville, NC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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ALDI occupies a good space at 7640 S Raeford Rd, within the west part of Fayetteville (by Lake Rim Park and Walmart Supercenter). This grocery store is proud to provide service to patrons within the districts of Hope Mills, Fort Bragg, Spring Lake, Jack Britt, Fenix, Pope Field, Rockfish and Seventy-First. If you would like to visit today (Tuesday), its operating hours are 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Here you will find the specifics for ALDI S Raeford Rd,Fayetteville, NC, including the working times, location description, direct contact number and additional significant information.
Visit your local ALDI branch immediately near the intersection of Gillis Hill Road and South Raeford Road (US Route 401), in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Simply a 1 minute drive time from Gillis Hill Road and Good Middling Drive; a 4 minute drive from Cliffdale Road, South Reilly Road and Rim Road.
For visitors planning on using GPS navigators to get to this location use this address: 7640 S Raeford Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28304.
It is near to the bus stop at Raeford Road/Walmart. Serviced by lines: 7 and 17.
The local train stops at Fayetteville Amtrak Station (10.62 mi away). Silver Meteor and Palmetto lines will take you here.
If traveling by foot you can find Westover Park, Walmart Supercenter, The Home Depot, Fayetteville Technical Community College, Lake Rim Park and Cross Creek Mall.
The total number of ALDI grocery stores presently open in Fayetteville, North Carolina is 3.
Go to the following page for the entire list of all ALDI locations near Fayetteville.