Hours ALDI - Romig Road, Akron, OH
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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ALDI is found in an ideal location at 2100 Romig Rd, in the south-west area of Akron. This store is properly situated for customers from Rolling Acres, Norton, Kenmore and Lawndale. If you would like to visit today (Wednesday), its hours of operation are 9:00 am until 8:00 pm. Read the specifics on this page for ALDI Romig Road, Akron, OH, including the working times, map, customer feedback and additional details.
ALDI can be found not far from the intersection of Romig Road and Vernon Odom Boulevard, in Akron, Ohio.
This store is prominently situated a 1 minute drive from Morse Street, Mctaggart Drive, Ingersoll Drive or Exit 129 of I-77; a 3 minute drive from Wadsworth Road, Kenmore Expressway (I-76) and Exit 19 (Kenmore Expressway) of I-76; or a 10 minute drive time from Exit 17B of US-224 and Wooster Road North.
Users of GPS navigation devices can enter the address 2100 Romig Rd, Akron, OH 44320.
If traveling by foot there is Prentiss Park, Kenmore Park, Chestnut Ridge Park, Aquae Park, Akron Hebrew Cemetery, Innes Community Learning Center, Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Shadyside Park and Mud Run Park.
The total number of ALDI branches presently open in Akron, Ohio is 4.
For more ALDI supermarkets near Akron, go to the following page.
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