Hours ALDI - North Court Street, Medina, OH
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You can visit ALDI at 1150 North Court Street, in the north region of Medina. This store is proud to serve customers within the areas of Chippewa Lake, Medina Public Square Historic District, Brunswick, Litchfield, Sharon Center and Valley City. If you plan to visit today (Thursday), its operating hours are 8:30 am until 8:00 pm. Please see the various sections on this page for specifics on ALDI North Court Street, Medina, OH, including the business hours, place of business info, contact number and further information about the store.
You may visit ALDI not far from the intersection of Pearl Road and North Court Street, in Medina, Ohio.
Only a 1 minute drive from North Jefferson Street, Hillview Way, Ledgewood Drive or West Reagan Parkway; a 3 minute drive from Pearl Road (US-42), West Liberty Street or South Court Street; and a 9 minute trip from East Washington Street and State Route 18.
If you are using GPS navigators, enter the address 1150 North Court Street, Medina, OH 44256.
In the neighbourhood you might visit Medina High School, Medina Marsh, Sidney M Fenn Elementary School, Ha Ha Manor, Medina Claggett Junior High School, Reagan Park, Memorial Park, Rocky River Corridor - Medina County Park District and Ray Mellert Park.
The total number of ALDI grocery stores currently operational in Medina, Ohio is 2.
Visit the following page for the entire index of all ALDI locations near Medina.
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