Hours ALDI - Medina Road, Medina, OH
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You'll find ALDI at 3444 Medina Road, in the east area of Medina (a few minutes walk from Chandler Wildlife Sanctuary - Medina County Park District - Undeveloped Site). People can easily get here from Windfall, Sharon Center, Hinckley, Chippewa Lake, Wadsworth and Brunswick. Its hours are 9:00 am - 8:00 pm today (Thursday). On this page, you may find store hours, location info, telephone number and more information about ALDI Medina Road, Medina, OH.
You may visit ALDI near the intersection of Medina Road, Shady Brooke Lane and River Styx Road, in Medina, Ohio.
1 minute trip from Exit 218 of I-71, Buehlers Drive, Octagon Drive or Forest Hills Drive; a 5 minute drive from Weymouth Road, I-271 and East Washington Street; or a 12 minute drive from I-71 and Ridgewood Road.
Please enter the following address when using navigation systems to find this location: 3444 Medina Road, Medina, OH 44256.
Nearby you'll discover Carolyn Ludwig Mugrage Park, Reagan Park, Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital, Eliza Northrop Elementary School, Chandler Wildlife Sanctuary - Medina County Park District - Undeveloped Site and Lake Medina Park.
ALDI operates 2 existing stores in Medina, Ohio.
The entire directory of ALDI supermarkets near Medina, at the following link.