Hours ALDI - Marion, IN
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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ALDI occupies an ideal position at 2007 South Western Avenue, within the south-west region of Marion (near Grant Memorial Park). The grocery store is pleased to serve patrons within the districts of Fairmount, Van Buren, Sweetser, Jonesboro, Swayzee, La Fontaine and Gas City. If you'd like to swing by today (Wednesday), it's open from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Please review this page for the specifics on ALDI Marion, IN, including the hours of business, store location, customer experience and more information.
ALDI occupies a good spot in the vicinity of the intersection of West 17th Street, West 16th Street and South Western Avenue, in Marion, Indiana.
1 minute drive from South Laurel Drive, South Valley Avenue or South Carey Street; a 3 minute drive from East 4th Street, North Baldwin Avenue or State Route 18; and a 12 minute trip from West Delphi Avenue or Sears Drive.
For GPS units please enter the following address to get here: 2007 South Western Avenue, Marion, IN 46953.
Within a couple miles there is townsend park, Lincoln Park, Grant Memorial Park, Webster Park, Seventh Michigan Park, Barnes Park, Hogan Park, Home Park and Franklin Park.
The total number of ALDI supermarkets presently operating in Marion, Indiana is 1.
For an entire directory of ALDI locations near Marion, go to the following link.