Hours ALDI - Farrand Drive, Wilmington, DE
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ALDI is found in a good place at 2205 Farrand Drive, within the west area of Wilmington, in Marshallton (by Kirkwood Hwy & Farrand Dr - Bus Station). The grocery store provides service mainly to the districts of Wood Mill, Birch Pointe, Newport, Duncan Woods, Stanton and Arundel. Today (on Wednesday) it's open from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm. On this page you'll find all the information about ALDI Farrand Drive, Wilmington, DE, including the store hours, address or customer experience.
You'll find ALDI in the vicinity of the intersection of Farrand Drive and Old Capitol Trail, in Marshallton, Wilmington.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Woodland Avenue, Delaware Street, Evelyn Drive and Kirkwood Highway; a 4 minute drive from Limestone Road (De-7), Exit 6A-B of De-141 and Mitch Road; and a 12 minute drive time from Stanton Christiana Road (De-4) and Main Street (De-4).
Users of GPS units can use the following address: 2205 Farrand Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808.
In the vicinity there is Delcastle Golf Course, White Clay Creek Country Club, Powell Ford, Sherwood Park, Marshallton United Methodist Church, Brandywine Springs Park, Greenbank Park, St. James Episcopal Church and Delcastle Recreation Park.
ALDI owns 1 existing supermarket in Wilmington, Delaware.
Visit this link for an entire listing of ALDI supermarkets near Wilmington.
Related searches: ALDI Marshallton, Wilmington, DE
Store was good. But what is the purpose of the girls in reflective vests? They chatted under a tree when I came in and 30 minutes later they chatted (again with each other) in the middle of the driveway right at Farrand . Each time the traffic on Farrrand Drive was hectic and backed up and there was a line of cars on the driveway in both directions . This was around 4pm on opening day.